Friday, February 25, 2011

WC Lessons

Last night I covered a WC shift for another tutor. It was interesting - I knew I had a writer coming in for help right at the beginning because I met him on Wednesday and he insisted on seeing me again. Turns out I was completely booked the entire night. I worked with a girl who was trying to write a personal statement for law school and a woman who really just needed someone to listen to her go over her response to a reading - she self edited as she read and I didn't actually have to do much. We worked out some confusion issues, but she really did most the work.

Thankfully, I'm finding patience I didn't expect to have. It's hard not to just give them the answer, which we're really not allowed to do since our primary goal is to encourage critical thinking. But I'm learning how to ask leading questions. It's frustrating since some of them are really terrible writers and they're in college - they should be at least basically literate. But I think my time there will be well spent and the other tutors are nice to talk to. Several of them are graduate or post-graduate students and one of them got her PhD last week.

I didn't have anything to do today expect for the SVA (Student Veteran's of America) State Director conference call (I'm the NY SD). Which is good because it's been a pain day. So lots of tea, time on the couch and watching TV (I got caught up on Royal Pains) and snacking. Oh and knitting. Knitting has finally gotten done now that it's been rescued from Kyle's house. I have some things to get done this weekend, but mostly I think I'm staying home. I don't feel well and I can't risk getting sick and missing anymore school.

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