Monday, February 21, 2011


I had a wonderful weekend. It would take up too much bandwidth to go through the whole thing, so the highlights (in chronological order):

1. A fantastic 5 hour conversation with my sister from New Jersey to Virginia Beach on my drive down.
2. Lots of fun on an afternoon spent with Angel having lunch and shopping (and a cute outfit from Mardy!).
3. A spectacular night out with Kyle in a hotel room that overlooked the water (in beautiful weather) and a delicious new restaurant.
4. Breakfast with Kyle's beyond cool cousins and their wives.
5. A productive afternoon of cleaning, which I didn't initiate.
6. Dinner at a really lovely locals only restaurant (seriously, it's in the middle of a residential neighborhood).
7. Lunch with one of my favorite couples and their beyond adorable baby, KET.
8. A relaxing evening watching movies with my love and hanging out.
9. A drive back enjoyed on the phone with my mother.
10. Dinner with a good friend who brought fabulous wine and test ran my ravioli (which he declared a success once we figured out how to make it not-stick).

Good? Absolutely! I'm tired and bed is calling me, but I am satisfied and happy. I have a Calc test on Thursday, so until then my life belongs to calculus, but I'm going into it in a great place.

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