Saturday, February 26, 2011

Putting my sickness to work

Another day of pain and thus, meds. There are certain things I can't do on medication reliably, such as studying or calculus, so I'm hoping I can do those things tomorrow. But it was sunny today so I was determined to do something. Yesterday was completely lost to sleep and that half awake space I get into when the percocet kicks in.

So today, I got some laundry folded and got some more laundry done. My biggest accomplishments were making tomato sauce for the rest of the week (or a couple, depending on my meals) and making a loaf of Moroccan bread. I cut the recipe, which should make two loaves, just to do the one since it's my first time. It turned out really well and I had some of it when it was still hot with butter and honey. It was delicious. I will probably need to make another loaf this week at some point since it turned out well and it certainly beats store bought bread. It doesn't replace sandwich bread, but that's why I want to get a bread machine someday.

I have this dream of getting to a point where more of the food I eat is freshly made. Pasta is really easy to make. I make my own sauces anyway, but expanding on that selection is good. Bread too, now that I know how. I already avoid store bought cookies (except Oreos, which are crack, and even though I've made Oreos before, it's not the same), so it's just a matter of expanding that. Knowing what is in your food is great. The Moroccan bread is flour, water, oil, yeast, salt and sugar. That's it. And I can name all of those ingredients.

Also, I finished the second of what I think will be a set of three washcloths for my sister. I've cast on and started the third, so I might get that finished this week. I don't have any major projects until I learn to do socks over Spring Break, so I may just knit up a bunch of washcloths in the meantime.

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