Friday, February 11, 2011


I was supposed to drive up to Boston this weekend to see people, but I am exhausted. In the deep down, to the bone way. Add to that waking up feeling sick enough today that I had to miss training for the Writing Center and have to make it up next week. Finally, I have Calculus to work on (I missed class Tuesday for being stuck at the VA) and really can't afford to get behind. Since I'll be gone next weekend, I want to try to get as much done this weekend as possible.

So this weekend, I'm staying in. I can work on the house (it isn't that bad, I just need to vacuum and swiffer, really) and do homework. Get myself rested and refreshed. I think all the traveling in December finally caught up and floored me. I may go out for tea or just to get out, but the plan is to mostly hibernate and restore. I'm available by phone and I'm sure I'll be online - I'm not hiding, just resting.

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