Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Bits

It's cold! We're supposed to get snow tonight though I'm not sure if it will be around tomorrow. To combat the freezing basement (and my refusal to put the heat above 65), I made some hot buttered rum. I got the recipe from Epicurious and followed suggested modification of adding vanilla ice cream. YUM! Now I'm warm.

My battle with the school over getting GI Bill payments in a timely matter continues to be irritating. But hopefully we'll have an answer tomorrow and I can decide what to do. If they accommodate my request to process the requests at time of registration rather than waiting until after the add/drop period, my life gets much easier as I'll be able to expect my payments to be correct and on time. However, if they refuse to change their policy, I'm not sure what I'll do. I am considering transferring, which I hate to do because I really like the psych, science and math departments at my school. But the extra stress of late payments is really causing a problem. So we'll see.

Mostly, I'm ready for the semester to be over. I'm tired and having a hard time focusing on various things that are coming up due shortly. My Bio Lab Final was today, so I just have a few finals the week of the 20th and I'm done. I'll be traveling all month between Oklahoma and Va Beach, but both places allow me to relax, so I'm looking forward to it. Still deciding what to do with Indy during the Oklahoma portion of the traveling.

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