Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's done!

It took until 4:30 this morning, but everything due for the semester is turned in. I have to do two finals on the 20th and 21st, but that is it. And I couldn't be happier.

This has been a rough semester. Research turned into a much bigger challenge than I expected, and while that's great, it's only by the grace of a phenomenal teacher that I am going to get through it. Biology and Logic have both been a huge struggle all semester, the former due to sheer amount of information and the latter due to a horrific teacher (brilliant mathematician, horrible teacher). But as long as my finals end up solid (not great, but solid) I'll make it through.

Since I don't need to be in NY, I'm going to spend the next week in Va Beach. It'll be nice to get away and I can study there just as well as I can here. And because the boyfriend is awesome, he's going to take care of Indy while I'm in Oklahoma for Christmas. Huzzah!

No surprise, after being up all night and the stress, today has been high pain and low productivity. I wanted to get the house clean today so I would have a nice clean house to come home to, but that's simply not going to happen at the level I wanted. It's hard sometimes to accept that I simply can't do everything I want to. So I'm trying to get things done to leave tomorrow, like laundry, and count everything else as bonus. Also really trying to get the Christmas cards finished and that damnable baby blanket complete.

So, yeah, busy busy.

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