Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"And remember, even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf."

I'm catching up on last night's Glee and found myself rather taken aback. Britney is becoming one of my favorite characters, in part because she delivers a killer one liner and in part because of her innocence...okay and because of her relationship with Artie. It's beautiful to watch. In last night's episode, which is the Christmas episode, Britney still believes in Santa Claus and Artie (along with a bunch of helpers) goes through a lot of effort to help her retain that belief.

Do you remember when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

I don't.

I'm not sure if I ever stopped believing. I don't think that dude in the mall is Santa and I'm not entirely sure I'm down with the whole breaking-and-entering concept. But I think the magic is real and that the belief in Santa is more the belief in magical things.

Sue's story is, as usual, both surprising and entertaining. She brings me to tears when she and Becky have their "It's beautiful" moment. The fact that it follows the Grinch arch only makes it better - since I was a child, the two Christmas traditions that endure at my parent's is Luke 2 and the Grinch. It's not Christmas without it.

Also, the best song of the episode is Curt and Blaine doing "Baby It's Cold Outside". I picked it up on iTunes, really beautiful song.


  1. Brittany is one of my favorite characters on the show (as is Beiste, purely because she is the only truly good character on the show). This episode in general was completely full of win. I do agree that the "Baby, it's cold outside" duet was the best song of the show, and Kurt's quip of "I'm in love with him, but at least this time he's gay," was perfect.

  2. That was a fantastic quote. I'm really curious where they're taking Kurt now that he's at the other school and hasn't immediately returned to New Directions. We shall see...
