Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!

So it's December and in NY we were greeted with a rain and windstorm that was impressive. Wind howled, rain poured and Indy hid his face in the blankets all day.

I picked up Christmas cards today. They're pretty, I like them. Over 70 to send out this year, so I'm hoping to get a good tackle on them once I'm caught up on school stuff. My research project isn't coming along as well as I want, so I'm hoping to get a little extension to collect data. Biology is moving along and, unexpectedly, I'm caught up in Logic. I'm just ready for this semester to be over.

Practical Magic has been on Oxygen tonight and I've watched it twice. I discovered this movie at DLI with my roommate, who remains one of my favorite people from the military even though we haven't spoken in quite awhile. It's the bond between sisters that I find so alluring. And it always impressed me that the sisters have red and brown hair. My mom is a red-head and her sister is a brunette, as are me and my sister when we haven't messed with nature. And I've always had a special relationship with my aunt so that relationship in the movie is enjoyable for me. Too, there's something magical about the relationships women form with each other and the movie highlights and magnifies those.

So, holidays are in full swing. I want to decorate a little, even though I won't be here most of the month. Not a lot of sense in getting a tree given that, but I can at least hang a wreath and maybe some lights. Ahh, Christmas...

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