Monday, November 15, 2010

Public Bad Days

When you're sick, you have good days and bad days. Just like anyone, really, but with slightly modified definitions. Being able to wake up and get out of bed is usually a signal of a good day, though not always.

I woke up tired today, but given the drive back from Richmond yesterday and that I took my meds a little late last night, that's not terribly surprising. My back didn't hurt, which is a good start. Slow getting moving, but the day went on. Bio test this morning, which I got through. By the time lunch came along, I was tired - ready to take a nap tired. But I battled the Bursar and Registrar instead. Our lab attendance requirements are stringent and even though I knew I could get an excused, I drug myself to lab. Mistake.

By the time the lecture portion of lab was over, I could barely move. I spoke to the professor (who I really like) and he suggested I take a break, sit down in a comfortable chair (i.e. not the lab) and see if I could continue. So I took over a comfy chair in the building and read wikipedia on my phone while trying to keep my joints mobile (stiffening is a problem). I recovered well enough and he assigned me to a group in progress. I made it through the lab, but I was dead by the end. I also got to explain, repeatedly, why I was moving slow.

Bad days aren't the problem, really. Well, they are the problem, but not this particular one. The problem here is public bad days. I hate that. I like hiding in my house when I'm not doing well and can't mask it (also, my bed is a Temurpedic and rocks). But I got to explain fibromyalgia, its symptoms, treatments and its (lack of) cause. Fun. The nice thing is that most the people in my class are Bio majors and wanted to know about it from a medical and biological standpoint. Thankfully, I know that standpoint on this topic, which is unclear, unfounded and a lot of guesswork (some of it insulting to people who have fibro).

So yeah, no spoons today. Exhausted. I'm going to take a hot shower, which usually helps (warmth is good). Then I think I'm going to take some knitting and apple cider with me to bed. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

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