Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

In a few short hours, I will be heading to the airport. Oh yes, it's beyond absurd. But with the threats of holiday travel being ridiculous, I figure it's better to nap in the airport than miss my flight. So at 3 am, I will be leaving for a 6 am flight to Oklahoma via Chicago.

And I am excited.

I am so excited to see my family. To introduce them to my man, to let him meet them. To see my sister, who I haven't seen since she changed from Miss to Mrs. Sadly, her husband won't be joining us as he's spending the holidays in the sandbox. But we think of him often and fondly.

The flights are miserable - clearly no one important has ever had to fly between New York and Oklahoma or they would have done something about this. Also, JetBlue doesn't fly there, so double sad. The high (high!) is going to be in the 30s. But I don't care. I get to see my family. I get one step closer to adding the man I love to my family.

And that's what the holidays are about.

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