Monday, November 22, 2010

The Smallest Gesture

The other day, I emailed the riding club administrator to let her know why I had to cancel my lesson at the last minute after having RSVPd. I hate doing that, but there are days when getting out of bed is a challenge, much less getting on a horse. I didn't have to tell her, of course, but I'd rather tell her than be rude.

In response, she emailed me back to say that her sister has fibromyalgia and she understands what it entails. Additionally, she sent me a link to a series of short exercises developed in part to help with those who suffer from fibro to reconnect the neuro-kinetic flows through the body.

It's a very sweet thing from her. People are often sympathetic, which is appreciated as much as it is frustrating. But rarely do they go out of their way to help. It only took her a minute to write that email and include the link, but the point is that she thought of it and that she did it. The smallest gestures can mean so much in someone's life, often beyond what we think it will. Stopping to compliment someone else, offering a hand, holding a door, even just greeting people. It adds up. And you don't know when that small gesture will be the bright point in someone's day.

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