Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So tired of politics

I like politics usually. I find it interesting and, more importantly, I think being well informed about what's going on is important. For the most part, I keep my specific opinions to myself. One of my closest friends is a Republican, very devoutly. Though I'm not 100% liberal (I like my guns and military), I am generally to the left of center.

This election season has completely zapped me of interest. For the last month, I have had to endure not only the plethora of national politics chatter on NPR and Andrew Sullivan (my favorite blog), but the gruesome NY state politics. I voted, of course, because I do, but I was so happy to be done with election season. So you can imagine my irritation when I tuned into NPR today and they were discussing the election. The Republicans won, shocker! People are upset with incumbents across the country and the Democrats previously had the majority. This should not be a surprise. But it's all everyone can talk about.

I think the major reason that I'm so tired of this election season is the very poor taste in which this election has been conducted. The thing I dislike about politics is the mudslinging and attacks. It's tacky and low brow, everything I hate in the world. And I'm just fed up with it.


  1. CT had some pretty bad mudslinging too. To date I have no idea what Linda MacMahon's platform was beyond "The other guy is bad."

  2. Glad to see your blog Jenn....look forward to hearing what you have to say. The election was exhausting this year...and I surprise with the results! Hope you will stop by and visit my blog too... (just my creative ramblings)
    welcome here to blogspot! You will grow from the experience, truly.
    Aunt Donna :)
