Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why I Love DC

Washington D.C. is my favorite city. NYC is nice and Seoul was interesting, but DC wins the game for me. Chicago has too much snow to be a consideration.

So why do I love DC? A few reasons.

1. I love museums and there are a few...okay, a lot. The Smithsonians are fantastic and a museum lovers dream - you can roam all day in one of them or buzz through a couple in a day. I also have a deep love of history (see my previous post about old buildings) and there is so much of our very short American history in those buildings.

2. The city is physically beautiful. Not all of it, of course. There's a lot of not-so-pretty areas of the city and I've been to them. But the Mall is really an architectural love letter. The white buildings always catch my eye (the color and other layout items are inspired by The White City of the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 as part of the City Beautiful Movement). There are beautiful rowhouses in several parts of the city. Lots of trees and parks (green is very important to me). Also, the city is a little slower than the speed of NYC, LA or Chicago. Don't get me wrong, it moves quickly. But all in all, it's much slower.

3. The monuments. The presidential monuments are good (I particularly like FDRs), but my personal favorite are the war monuments. None of the wars that I've been involved with have monuments yet, but the wars before me do. I spoke at the WWII memorial while I was in the service regarding the history of my then unit during the war. There is something magical about each of the war monuments. As you approach them, silence falls in respect of those mourning. Conversations are hushed and respectful. The monuments are unique, but uniformly powerful. The sacrifice of others is overwhelming, beautiful, sad. In marble, granite and copper, a testament to each of the wars is there for those who were there, and those of us who have come since, to remember and touch a little bit of our past. Personal favorite is the Korean monument.

So yeah, my favorite city. A few reasons right there. I think Paris might be a contender should I ever go, but that has more to do with the fashion element.

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy and I are heading to DC on Monday....I haven't visited the Washington Museum of Art since I was in the fifth grade and it was an elementary field trip. My husband is taking me and we are going to have a wonderful day. Hope you are well Jen, I am enjoying your written word!
