Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And We're Off...

So after years of livejournal and old fashioned journaling, I have entered the world of blogging. I've dabbled before in the off project - Electric Tangerine, a Project Runway review, and other small projects. But now I'm going to take the step into the blogging world with this. I'm keeping my livejournal account and will set up a direct feed to that account for those who prefer to read there. Thanks for following me, no matter what the medium!

I write about whatever interests me and whatever happens in my day, without a particular focus. I'm also refusing to set a goal for how often I blog since I obsess about goals and deadlines. It makes me a great employee but a miserable person when I set unrealistic goals.

A bit about me and where we're starting from. I am a 28-year-old disabled Army veteran taking advantage of the wonderful post-9/11 GI Bill to go to school and get my BS in Psychology. I'm considering a minor in math but I'm not committed to that. I was married, but am now divorced and in a very happy, though long distance, relationship with a man who I couldn't be more different than. My life is at a weird place, but I'm happy there.

So, welcome, make yourself comfortable and comments are welcome!

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