Monday, October 31, 2011

I lack motivation.

I need to finish the lab report that's due today. I keep staring at it and I just don't want to write it. I also have a paper I need to finish up and email to the professor. That particular piece will effect my registration status, so it's really vital.

The list keeps going. Between the house, school, personal projects...I feel like I'm running behind constantly. I just want to be done. I want to graduate and move and not look back - put this part of my life behind me. A break before grad school is sounding even more awesome right now. I'm just worn out.

I could take a medical drop from my Bio class. I don't think the professor would give me any issues with that. But I had to fight to get into it and my pride won't let me. Also, it would change my degree from a BS to a BA. I wouldn't have to take a science next semester and it'd make what it already going to be a busy semester much easier. But pride. I know I'm smart enough to do it. I just lack the energy and the focus. And, quite honestly, the motivation.

So tired.

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