Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eiland Reunion

I've been looking through the Eiland family reunion pictures that people have been posting on the Facebook page from reunions years past. First, I'm really tiny in some of them. There's a lot of familiar faces, some of which have associated names, and a lot of people I don't know or remember. I was a child when we went, so I mostly ignored the non-important adults, which includes everyone other than my parts, my grandfather, and my great-grandfather. I got a few spare aunts in the memory bank, but mostly, there's a lot missing. And unlike a lot of my family, we lived far away so we didn't also see each other for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.

The reunion in is October every year and I haven't been in ages. I really want to go, though I'm not sure I'll be able to swing it. Looking at the pictures made me realize how much I've missed that family. I managed to reconnect with the cousins who are about my age via Facebook and I met up with Holly a few times while she was living in Va Beach, but it's not quite the same.

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