Friday, August 26, 2011

Bring it, Irene.

It's my first hurricane! I've been in tornadoes, earthquakes, monsoons and blizzards, but never a hurricane. Very excited!

I'm in Va Beach, since Irene plans to visit New York on her East Coast tour and I'd rather be where the people have experience and I have people. Slightly depressing concept, but it's only 9 more months. School has canceled move in and the first day of class. Right now we're scheduled to have class on Tuesday, so I should be back in NY for that. Hopefully I won't be going home to surprises.

We have groceries, water, candles and batteries. We're smoking a chicken and a pork butt now and I'm going to make some chili. Tonight's dinner is all the leftovers that won't keep if we lose electricity. We've got wine and liquor, board games and books. We are, in a word, set.


  1. How did you fare through Irene's rain and wind?

  2. Fine. Nothing happened - we didn't lose power or anything. Just a lot of wind and rain.
