Friday, August 26, 2011

But is it censorship?

I was wandering through Barnes and Noble today, looking for a book to read in the hurricane. As often happens, I wandered into the pregnancy section. And as it nearly always the case, there was one practical book on adoption, one narrative from an adopted person now grown and nothing, not a single book on surrogacy. 500 versions of the Bible and nothing on surrogacy. One book on adoption.

It's frustrating. Not everyone is going to be a parent in the traditional way. So why not offer books that cover a variety of options? I'm not saying to cut down on the pregnancy books, they're needed and sell like crazy. But why not offer more on other options? There are 14,000 options about adoption and 450 on surrogacy on Amazon. The books are out there. Why isn't anyone selling them?

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