Friday, July 8, 2011

Another location

I'm back in New York this week and next doing slave labor for my father on the house. Today, I started recovering my room since the ENTIRE house is covered in sawdust. BUT - the hardwood floors look amazing and it only took one coat of paint to put my walls back in order in the bedroom. I can now clean it and call it done.

Spent about 3 hours at the VA today. Rheumo followup and they always run late, though today was a little later than usual. Thankfully, my doctor is very kind (and cute) and came out to tell me that he was running late and offered me the option of rescheduling. I waited. We had a lovely chat and he poked my muscles (owie) and joints. The determination was a medicine change once I'm back for good since he'll need to monitor the change. I'm suddenly excited to be back full time. The head rheumo agreed (sidenote: he's totally one of those people who just sits with me wrong) and we're good to August.

Got my nails done, so I feel better. It's amazing the difference a pedicure makes. My toes are orange and my fingers are an ever practical light pink. Nice summer combo.

I miss my dog, who is hanging out in VA while we tear up floors and use loud things that would make him cranky. It's been raining since a freak storm rolled in yesterday, though we haven't had awesome thunder and lightning today. Hanging out with my dad and step-uncle has been fun, especially since I haven't seen the latter in probably 20 years. I love having a large family!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I missed you last weekend, the VB house is beautiful. I even got to meet your wonderful pup! Take care, take it slow and just b-r-e-a-t-h-e!
    Donna xoxoxo
