Thursday, April 28, 2011

More School....Almost To Summer!

My third calculus test has been conquered. I feel pretty good about this one, though I have long learned that my personal feelings regarding a test has no bearing at all on the grade. I spoke with my professor afterwards and he outlined how to prepare for the final. I'm doing my best to take his advice.

Brain and Behavior continues to be interesting. We're going quickly through the last of the topics since we lost several days to snow and we're behind. Today we discussed learning and memory which are fascinating from the biological psychology aspect. Like a lot of this field, a great deal of our knowledge comes from those who've suffered brain damage and the results thereof. After the class, the professor and I briefly discussed the use of memory manipulation as treatment for PTSD and other trauma related issues. Really fascinating.

Which leads me to my current plans for my senior thesis (Honors College requirement). After discussing it with my senior seminar professor, I think I'm going to examine the difference between Type I and Type II PTSD. The former is trauma that happens to an individual and the latter is observed trauma. The professor works with 9/11 responders, most of whom have Type II PTSD, and is going to try to get me access to some of those sessions, with the permission of the patient, of course. She's rather well regarded in that area of psychology, so I'm excited to see how we work this out. The HC director approved the topic and the accompanying independent study. Very excited!

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