Monday, April 11, 2011


Since Karina hooked me up and showed me how to make Netflix happen on my TV. It's awesome. I have since stumbled on the series Dollhouse, by Joss Whedon, the genius behind Buffy and Firefly, among others. Dollhouse, like many a fascinating series, only lasted for 2 seasons. But the entire thing is available on Instant Queue from Netflix.

The premise is that an organization, referred to as the Dollhouse, is able to wipe the mind of people so that they can then be imprinted with other personalities at the request of high price clients. These personalities can range from negotiator to assassin to girlfriend or boyfriend for hire. Between jobs, or engagements, the "dolls" are in a childlike state. It's described as being reborn each time. They live in a utopia where they are constantly catered to.

The show focused on the growing awareness of Echo (Eliza Dushku), one of the Dolls, as well as the people around her and the FBI agent trying to crack the myth of the Dollhouse.

Psychologically, it's really fascinating. I'm just about done with the first season and I like it a lot. It helps that there are several fantastic actors on the show that I like. I recommend it for anyone who either has Netflix Instant Queue or can rent it.


  1. When you get to season 2, my uncle was the principle film editor for the even episodes.

  2. Well, despite what the popular opinions seems to be, I'm really liking season 2. So bravo on your uncle!
