Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Different Kinds of Pain

Different medical conditions have different types of pain associated with them. When you have more than one pain condition (as I do) then you get more than one kind of pain. This sucks for people who are dealing with me in pain because they have to work out which kind I'm in before they can help in any way.

My joints hurt because of the weather (arthritis) pain - This is pretty self explanatory. Thankfully, aspirin or any anti-inflammatory helps with this.

My uterus hates me (endometriosis) pain - For the ladies, imagine your cramps on steroids. Like a knife to the girly bits. Not much helps with this except percocet and heat.

My entire body hurts and is slightly numb (fibromyalgia) pain - This is actually really hard to describe, but I think I worked it out. You know when you leg goes numb and you rub it? That feeling, all over. It's miserable. Nothing much to do but stay in bed, stay warm and try to walk as little as possible since that is the definition of hell. My doc and I are working on the preventative level to try to keep things under control, but it's hit and miss.

All of these can happen at lesser levels and I usually experience at least one of them a day. Unfortunately, they can also happen in concert, which is highly annoying. The fibro one is especially annoying because my brain is fully active and aware, it's just my body that refuses to do what it's told.

The good news is that after a really bad day, the next day is usually better (can't be much worse) so today is a better day. And because I slept on and off all day yesterday, I am actually feeling rested. Huzzah!

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