Monday, September 17, 2012

So much for that...

After a month of classes, I find out that I'm not a student.

I called Admissions today since my application has been listed as Pending awhile and I need my student ID to take my calculus test tomorrow. After they review my file, they tell me that they are no longer processing applications for the fall semester, even though I submitted the application over a month ago.

As you can imagine, this is incredibly disappointing given that I've been going to class.

So I'm trying to focus on the positives:
- I don't have to pay the application fee when I apply for Spring.
- Advanced Calculus is offered in the summer, so I'll be able to complete Calculus 3 and Advanced before the fall, as originally planned.
- I can still write off the school expenses on my taxes.
- The first month of Calc 3 next semester should be a breeze.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

1 comment:

  1. Will they let you take the class for credit as a non matriculating student this semester then be admitted as a full student in the spring?
