Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to Measure a Man

We are all familiar with the idea that if you want to judge the character of a man, you look at how he treats his inferiors. An ex of mine translated that to mean how people judge service people, specifically waiters. The problem with that is the reason that was always included - waiters can poison/spit in your food.

What that says to me is that you should treat people well...if they can respond in some way that might hurt you. That hardly seems like the measure of a person to me.

So, truly, I think the measure of someone is how they treat road crews. They're in your way, it's almost always at an inconvenient time and place, and you generally don't see the direct results of their work. If the person in question swears at them, honks at them, or generally is rude to people trying to do their that's the measure of a man (or woman). 

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