Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Go Sun Devils!

Arizona State University

That was my moment of school pride.

University Drive from the bridge

For those unaware, I am a student at Arizona State University (Tempe). I'm only enrolled in Calc 3 at the moment, but I'm enjoying it. Class is at 7:30 in the morning, which is challenging some mornings, but I'm managing to make it somehow. We're also back to using Course Compass, which is a program I used for College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and Calc 1, so I like it very much.

ASU has a different feel to it than SUNY OW did, which is not surprising given they are on opposite sides of the country. The campus is very active when I get out of class at 8:20 (adjusting to 50 minute classes was interesting when I'm used to 100 minute), where SUNY was a ghost town until the 10:20 block. There are bikes everywhere and rows and rows of bike racks available for students. All parking is paid (oye), which encourages students to bike whenever possible. If it was a little closer, I'd be tempted.

I have entered into an email conversation with the head violin professor about tracking down a student to teach. Her response when I asked if they were available was to ascertain which teaching style fits me best so she can pair me with the correct teacher. I like her already! I'm hoping to begin lessons next month - I miss playing.

The biggest downside for me is that the ASU colors are gold and maroon. And it's not a shade of gold I can wear. Maroon isn't terrible, but it doesn't do much for me. Gold is the primary color, so I'm hunting for an ASU shirt that is primarily white with gold on it. SUNY OW's big advantage was that green is one of my best colors.

However, you can't beat the walk to class.

Historic Palm Walk. My building is on the left.