Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One final down...

First final, and the most difficult, is done. I did fine, though I made some small mistakes that irritate me because I know better (the definition of a rational number is m/n, hello!), but it's over. I'll probably pull a B in the class and call it good. Takes out my chance of Dean's List this semester, but senioritis is strong enough that I just don't care.

Thursday is my other final. I'm not worried - I'll review on Wednesday night and it'll go fine. I do well in that class even when I don't study. Abnormal Human Behavior...fun stuff!

However between now and then I have two papers to write. I'm irritable about both of them, so I'm procrastinating (which is the norm for me) but I always turn them in on time.

But then...10 days off before the winter session starts!

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