Thursday, December 8, 2011

Emily Post's Etiquette

I would very much like to own a copy of every edition of Emily Post's Etiquette. The 18th just became available (it's on my Amazon wishlist should anyone be inclined) and I own the 17th already. I'm working up a list of all the editions and starting the process of tracking them down. One edition (from the early 50's) was available for sale (for $1!) at my school's library, so I have that one. It's been fun to read through.

Below is a list of all the editions and their status in my collection. "ebay" means they've been bid on in ebay and are pending. "amazon" means they're on my wishlist on I'll update it as I get information and as my collection grows. The thing I like about this collection is that it has a very finite amount of items, though I know that 1922 edition is going to be a bear. Information directing me towards any of the missing ones is greatly appreciated on my quest! The goal is actual copies, not reprints or digital and, eventually, first printings.

  • 1st Edition (1922) 
  • 2nd Edition (1927)
  • 3rd Edition (1931)
  • 4th Edition (1934) - own (my grandmother's copy, which I'll get sometime in the future)
  • 5th Edition (1937)
  • 6th Edition (1940)
  • 7th Edition (1942) - own (5th printing)
  • 8th Edition (1945) - own (2nd printing)
  • 9th Edition (1950) - own (84th printing)
  • 10th Edition (1955) - own (89th printing)
  • 11th Edition  (1965) - own (98th printing)
  • 12th Edition (1975) - own (4th printing)
  • 13th Edition
  • 14th Edition (1984) - amazon
  • 15th Edition (1992) - own (8th printing)
  • 16th Edition (1997) - own (1st printing)
  • 17th Edition (2004) - own (4th printing)
  • 18th Edition (2011) - own

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Eiland,
    I came to your post while googling about this book we just found in our estate boxes. Our Etiquette is a 1st printing of the 6th edition (1940). In pretty good shape, it appears to have had one owner only (1940 X-Mas gift?). It's dark blue with gold lettering.

    Please let us know if you have any interest in it.

    Mississauga, ON, Canada
