Friday, December 16, 2011

Baby Wright

This beautiful child is the most recent addition to our family. He doesn't have a name yet (they're working on it), but he and his mama are doing great. He's 7lb 5oz and 21 inches long. He totally looks like an alien, but Kellie assured me he will get cuter. ;)  I asked her to tell him not to grow until I get there so I can hold this tiny little bundle of adorable. And of course, this picture made me recall one of the best quotes from the West Wing:

"I didn't realize babies come with hats. You guys crack me up. You don't have jobs. You can't walk or speak the language. You don't have a dollar in your pockets but you got yourselves a hat so everything's fine."

That's my nephew. He doesn't have a name, but he has a hat. So everything is fine. 

Update: His name is Dalton Glenn Wright. Fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your sister and your family on a wonderful addition!
