Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A School Development

After all that work, I dropped Bio.

It was a horrible decision to have to make. I love the class. I love the lecture and I love that we're getting into the vertebrate physiology that I enjoy so much. But I'm behind and the stress of keeping up with that class is starting to hurt my other classes. I love science, but I can't risk my major and minor for it.

So I spoke to the professor. He said he understood. He said that sometimes you can't do everything you want to do when you want to do it. He also pointed out that graduate work in psychology can include more science, so I might get a chance to get back into a lab before it's all done. He was very comforting.

I filled out the forms to drop the class, change my major from a BS to a BA and declare my minor. While I'm very sad to have to do it, I already feel better. I feel more relaxed...I know I made the right decision. The biggest thing I had to conquer to do it was my pride. I like the feeling of being in science, of being able to do it. I will admit that I like that I can do it and there are others who can't. In psych, I so often look at my classmates and bemoan that they will get the same degree as me. I know I'm smarter and I want the world to know too. That BS in front of my degree makes me feel like the world knows. 

Well...now the math minor will have to be the way for the world to know. How many psychologists can say they conquered calculus and know the formula for the Fibonacci sequence?

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