Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting Poked

Today I went to the doctor and had my rheumo followup. I like my rheumotologist. In addition to having a great bedside manner and being pleasant to talk to, he's very attractive. If I wasn't off the market...

Anyway! So we talked and decided to double my dosage of Cymbalta since I'm currently on a half dosage. We looked at some of my old films and he showed me the really cool films of my veins being illuminated. He went and got the attending, who is a small man that I don't particularly like, mostly because his suits don't fit him correctly and he has a weak handshake. He poked at me (they do that a lot in rheumotology) and then felt my glands. He wants me to go for a thyroid ultrasound. He said it's only a 50/50 shot that he's correct (isn't there always) but that he wants to check for Hashimoto's. Once he left, I grilled my doc about it and promised I don't get crazy about diseases I haven't been diagnosed with yet. He and I had a giggle over the fact that there's a category under the ultrasound menu called "Small Parts" and then again when we found thyroid under it.

I might be the only person in the world hoping to have an autoimmune disease. It would mean one pill a day instead of 3 and seems to cover a lot of symptoms. So we'll see what the ultrasound says.

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