Monday, January 24, 2011

School and Birthday

So today was my first day of Golden Age of Islam. It's going to be an interesting class. Lots of papers, but I'm pretty good at those. More interestingly, the teacher (who is known to be a little...odd) speaks fluent Arabic (and several other languages if I recall). I think she was a little started that I knew the root of the words Islam and Muslim (SLM, which means peace through submission). I'm going to dig out my military terminology book from language school and loan it to her since she's interested and it will be useful to bring my dictionary so I can look up roots. Really excited about this class.

The weekend was phenomenal. The food was good, the conversation was great and it was overall an amazing time. I'm not sure there was more I could ask for my birthday than to spend it with friends eating and playing. The only thing that could have made it better is if Kyle was here.

Early day tomorrow - Calculus 2 at 10:20!

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