Sunday, January 2, 2011

So long, 2010.

It's the New Year. I don't make resolutions because if I want to change something, I start when I think about it rather than wait, otherwise I lose my motivation. However, there are a few things I try to do every year.

Every year I try... be a little healthier than the year before. learn to do something new. be a little more financially secure. be happier in my relationships.

Just four things, not all that much. In 2010, I think I succeeded in all of them. I got my Fibromyalgia diagnosis, which means I've been able to be treated. I learned to knit and to write APA styled research papers. My debt continues to be chipped away without accruing new ones. And I am happier in my relationship with family and in my love life than I have been in my adult life. Not too shabby.

Though, I will say that 2010 flew by at warp speed. I think back to the milestones of the year and can not believe that they were 6, 8, 10 months ago. This holiday season was one of the least stressful I've had in a long time and I really got to enjoy it. So thank you to everyone who has been part of my 2010 and moves with me into my 2011. I can't wait to see what's coming!

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