Friday, January 28, 2011

More Snow

We had a ton of snow fall on Wednesday throughout the day. Since classes were canceled for Wed and Thu, I decided to head down to Va Beach early, especially since more snow was due for Friday and Saturday. Before I could leave, however, I had to dig out my car. I shoveled the walkway and then had to shovel snow off my car - the brush could not handle the sheer volume of snow. Ridiculous. Thankfully, my neighbor is a saint and used his snowblower to clear my sidewalk and my driveway from the back of my car down to the street. It took awhile to get my wheels clear enough to get traction and Indy was none too pleased about walking outside only to be in snow up to his chest. When shoveling, the snow was up to my knees.


If I was going to be living in the state longer than one more winter, I'd invest in a snowblower, but since next year will be my last NY winter, it doesn't really make sense. Now, if the snow in Va Beach decides to start falling at those levels, that's another story entirely. I don't mind the snow, I just don't like being in pain from shoveling. I don't even mind the cold as much anymore and I take great joy in sunshine, even when it's cold. Funny how you adjust.

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