Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Blissfully Boring Day

I've been off work today and yesterday. It's been lovely. And today, I had the house to myself. One of the biggest challenges for me adjusting to having roommates again is that, with four people in the house, it's very hard to get alone time. Especially since none of us are particularly quiet.

But today I slept until I woke up, which was very nice. My sleep has been awful since my meds ran out and the VA is engaging in an epic East Coast/West Coast battle about who should fix that problem. I got up, made a cup of strong tea with honey, had a Dana Roll* with butter and honey, and caught up on Google Reader. It was a beautiful way to start the day, especially with a lot of the doors and windows opened in the house so the pretty day came in (it was in the 60s).

I then tackled my jewelry situation. My jewelry box has moved all over the place this year and, in the process, has become a disastrous mess. I put hooks on the wall and moved all the necklaces there, then properly cleaned out all the little jewelry bags and boxes that come with gifts but then sit empty, taking up space. Watches and pins moved into the small jewelry box I use for traveling. I have a metal jewelry tree that now holds the hoop and dangly earrings I wear most often along with the smaller bracelets. In the main, large jewelry box are the larger, chunkier bracelets (which will eventually get their own home on the wall), the stud and lesser-used dangly earrings, all my rings, costume pieces, broaches, cuff links, and a few delicate necklaces that would tangle terribly if hung on the wall. I can see most of what I wear daily and it's tidy. Huzzah!

Now I'm getting through the morning email while working on a knitting project for Christmas. All the knitting things can be found at for those who are fellow knitters and crocheters.

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