Monday, November 5, 2012

Review: J. Edgar

As a avowed Leonardo Dicaprio fan, I have been wanted to see J. Edgar since it came out, but it managed to disappear through the cracks along with many others. Tonight, that was rectified.

J. Edgar is a biographical film of J. Edgar Hoover focused on his time in the FBI...which is everything except the first 24 years of his life, which are touched on through reference and flashback with him mother, played by Dame Judi Dench. Armie Hammer is fantastic as Clyde Tolson and Naomi Watts is the formidable Helen Grandy. The combination of Hammer, Watts, and Dicaprio creates a really fascinating triangle that allows a certain depth to the movie that would have been missing otherwise. Clint Eastwood continues his stellar directorial career.

The movie is incredibly accurate by most biographers notes. It touches on the cross-dressing rumors (which are disputed) and examines the relationship with Tolson, which has a lot of credible backing. Considering the man was the eminent spook, and had files on everyone without much existing on him, they did a great job at building a narrative that was credible and wove together what is known (such as the senate hearings and public statements) with the gaping holes in historical record.

Hoover is someone that intrigues me for many reasons, both personal and professional. The movie was compelling and makes me want to read more about him, which I think it indicative of a good biopic. The cast is stellar, including some excellent cameos (this was one of those "Hey, that guy!" movies). The movie is restrained to great benefit - I never felt that it was portraying Hoover as a character, but as a very nuanced man. It should also be said that the aging work was fantastic, covering over 50 years.

I highly recommend it.

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