Monday, July 16, 2012

Three Kinds of Bad Days

I have three kinds of Bad Days. The worst is the Really Bad Day. Those are the days where I can't move, where I avoid drinking anything because it would mean having to go the bathroom, and that requires moving. Those are the days when even typing hurts and when thinking in nearly impossible. Those happen most often when it's cold or as a result of a Kinda Bad Day (see below).

The next is a Bad Day. This is a day where things hurt, walking is slow and achy, but I can walk and I can (mostly) function. My brain is a little fuzzy, but I can put together sentences. I shouldn't drive and I'm really bad at making choice decisions (a or b).

The least type is a Kinda Bad Day. I'm usually achy, and pain is present, but I can push through the day. The danger with this kind of day is that if I push too hard, I end up with a Really Bad Day the next day. Learning this lesson has been one of the hardest parts of accepting the new version of life that has become mine.

Today is a Bad Day. Slow to move, in pain, but I can function. I was able to watch my nephew (he hung out in bed with me) while his mom did some stuff, I just couldn't lift him above my head (no airplane) or get out of bed while holding him. I watched Tombstone, then moved to the front room, where I've been on the computer while laid out. I read everything I type three or four times to make sure it makes sense, I can't work on my thesis, and getting a cup of tea takes 20 minutes, but it could be a lot worse.

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