Saturday, March 24, 2012

Review: Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Timeless Lessons on Love, Power, and Style by Pamela Keogh


Karina got me this book, which is published by her work, thinking I would enjoy it. She was quite right. While learning more about the personal histories of these two women, I realized that it is not an either-or is a both. I am certain most woman would find themselves with certain aspects of both of them, perhaps despite their best efforts (I aspire to be a great deal more like Jackie, but accept my Marilyn-ness).

Actually, my favorite part (other than the historical information about their lives and the look into their fashion and beauty worlds) was in the FAQ at the very end. It reads:

I would like to encourage my seven-year-old daughter to be like Jackie and Marilyn. What should I give her?

Confidence. A sense of history. And a library card.

To me, that sums these women up perfectly.

Though there are sections on living with a diva that I might have to pass off to future roommates and beaux....

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