Friday, January 13, 2012

Party Party

Tonight was Nyla and Aziz's surprise engagement party. I'm not really one of their crew, so I was really flattered to be invited. Even was black tie! I love dressing up and am always looking for an excuse. Also, I just got in a pair of vintage pink opera length gloves that I ordered on Etsy and I was dying for an excuse to wear them. So, halter neck black dress, pink pumps and pink gloves. I got a ton of compliments on the gloves, which only reinforces my decision to wear gloves as often as possible. Vintage is better since my glove size is 4 1/2 and the standard "Small" is a 6.

I was a bit out of place since, of the 20 or so people there, I knew the couple who invited and the engaged couple. I'd met a few of the others before, but I didn't know them. My friend Chris jumped in and played host, making sure I was introduced to everyone, and I stayed until the party shut down. It was a lot of fun and I'm really glad I went. These kinds of things are the things I will miss once I'm not here, but it just means that when I come into town to get my hair done, I have to make sure to get people together to go out.

Tomorrow is moving day part 1, i.e. the big stuff. If I can get the major furniture moved with help, I'll consider it a win since I can move the rest in my car on Sunday, which is my technical move in day. I've got to get up early and clear off bookcases and load my car with at least one load so that the moment the landlord calls and says I can move in, I can take a carload over. Not to the most efficient way to move, but that's how it's working this time. Next time, for the big move, I'll pack and box properly since it's a hike. This time...I just want it to get done.

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