Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Moving (Across the Street, not to VA)

As ridiculous as it might seem, I have now moved less than a mile from where I lived. Thanks to one really awesome friend (thank you, Paul!), all the heavy things that I could not do myself moved on Saturday. I did feel super strong lifting the couch and being able to move the bookcases by myself. sore.

On Sunday, I drove back and forth between houses from about 1 pm to about 10 pm with carloads of stuff. Most of it is now in my living room, which looks like a hoarder lives there. For those that are aware of my slightly obsessive tendencies, you can imagine what this is doing to me. My bedroom and bathroom, however are quite tidy and I'm focusing on taking stuff that belongs on those rooms out of the living room before I tackle the big mess.

Knowing how stressed I was on Sunday, my fiance sent me a lovely vase of daisies, which are currently the first thing I see when I walk into the living room and thus keeps me from curling in ball and rocking back and forth crying about the mess. He is a good man and knows me well.

So this is my home for the next four months. The family upstairs is very nice. My landlady is like a cross between my FMIL and my friend Charlie in Atlanta, which makes her utterly charming. The landlord is a very kind man who managed to get the boxspring down here, despite Paul and I deciding on Saturday that Jesus didn't want it to happen. Apparently, landlord wins that fight. And the son, who is a college senior home on break, helped a great deal in getting me moved in by carrying things to unload. Overall, super sweet family.

It's a nice little apartment with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom with large walk-in closet. My only complaints are that the heat in the bedroom is always warmer than the rest of the apartment (I have my own thermostat) but that has been corrected by propping open the bedroom door so that equilibrium is achieved. The other is that the only windows (it's a basement, remember) are in the bathroom and kitchen, so I can spend the entire day without knowing the sun comes up if I stay in the bedroom. With the bedroom and bathroom doors open, I get ambient light from the bathroom and I'm hoping this will prove sufficient. If I was going to be here longer, there are some seriously cute things I could do with the place, but with four months, we'll be happy with clean and organized.

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