Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mandatory Fun

Today was mandatory fun with the Honors College. Thankfully, parts of it were actually fun. We traveled into the city in vans that had no air conditioning, which was misery. The traffic was a mess so we got out and walked, which at least had air. We had lunch at the Mars Restaurant, which is cheesy and silly but was a lot of fun. The food was pre-ordered and the pasta I got was average. The worst part was that, as we're walking, we're instructed to keep in groups of four. How old are we?

I got a drink with lunch (the Dean assured me that since it was off campus and I was legal, it was fine) and boy did I need it. The director of the Honors College makes me want to scream. She's unorganized and I don't think she's as smart as she thinks her PhD makes her. Blissfully, we were released to get to the show at our leisure. Thank god.

One of my classmates, Dav, and I walked over to the theater. We saw the Lion King, which was amazing. I hadn't seen it and this was free, so it was well worth dealing with being treated like a child. The man playing Scar was stellar and the entire production was fantastic. I dozed on the return trip listening to Michael Jackson, so despite sweating the entire way, it was a decent return.

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