Thursday, September 29, 2011

Join the Circus?

Sometimes, I get the urge to run away. Just for a day or so, somewhere where no one knows me. Go out to eat, lie on a beach, go out dancing - really anything. Just somewhere new, somewhere unknown or different. The urge strikes and there's not much I can do about it. But it comes on strong a few times a year. I don't think it indicates anything other than a restlessness that I've always had. Maybe one day when I'm in a position to travel more that will abate. But in the meantime, it's there, ready to strike when I least expect it. I've actually done it a few times, mostly when I was in language school and didn't have anyone to check in with until formation on Monday morning. I could go wherever I wanted and just disappear for a couple of days. Oh, the days before cell phones! Now I'm constantly reachable and people worry when they don't get a response. I suppose that complaining about having meaningful connections with people that means that they are concerned about my well being is silly and in truth, that's not what I'm talking about. It's mostly just a desire for anonymity and new experience, and the freedom that comes with it.

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