Monday, June 13, 2011

Wedding Weekend

This weekend, friends of ours got married. The wedding was supposed to be outside and the setup was really lovely. Everything was running on schedule...

...until 6pm when the sky opened.

The wedding was subsequently moved inside, as was the reception, and it all worked out. The food was good, the drinks were aplenty and the party continued until all hours off the morning, well after the bride and groom had left. I had the pleasure of meeting the groom's family, who were lovely. They invited me to come visit since they're not far from Dallas and I fly through there on the way to OK, so we might be able to do that.

All in all, it was a fun, if very busy weekend. The wedding was about exactly what it should have been - the couple joining their lives together. There wasn't any drama and everyone was on best behavior. A good weekend and a lot of fun.

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