Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In other news...

It was actually a rather productive day. I got up and went in to school (I'm interning at the Faison School in Richmond) and spent 6 hours working on my internship project, which is organizing the assessment room into a manageable system. It's like candy for me - I love to organize. Last week I cataloged what was there, now I'm comparing that to the assessments and determining what is still needed, then I'll organize the items so they can be more easily accessed by the teachers doing the assessments. I'm in heaven.

I'm enjoying the limited interaction I have with the kids. I think if it was more I'd dislike it, but I go spend a few hours in one particular classroom every other day or so and enjoy somewhat limited interaction.

Also today, I was invited to the walking group at the school, so today we walked 2.5 miles in about 40 minutes. That's a good pace and there were a lot of hills. I had a great time and I felt good having done it. I'm planning to start P90X in the fall when I'm on a regular schedule again, but in the meantime I'd like to just maintain (or even lose a little...that would be nice). My day is pretty sedentary, so any chance to be active is great.

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