Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evidence of Spring

Walking to my car this afternoon, I heard the dulcet tones of geese doing their mating ritual.

Good heavens they're loud!

Our campus acts as a preserve as well as a campus, so for the second time in my life I share an area with animals who are highly irritating, if not kinda adorable in their innate biological demand to mate. Previously, I was stationed at Ft. Meade, along with a wetland preserve. Wetlands are beautiful...and loud. Especially in spring.

We had rain instead of snow. Twice now I've gotten a whiff of the wet and green newness that signals the earth awakening from its' sleep. It has me very excited. I can't garden since I won't be here to enjoy it, but I may plant in pots some.

I love spring. It's a time of rebirth. Winter kills off and wipes away the past and allows for new growth. Transition seasons are my favorite. As much as I enjoy the heat of summer and even the stark, cold beauty of winter, spring and autumn are the seasons that stir my heart. One of the few things I will miss about living in the northeast is the changing of the leaves. I am determined this year to take pictures. I'll bring them with me.

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