Friday, February 21, 2020

A Little Realignment

It's been not quite a year since my last post. Things have been busy and I have had little bandwidth for unnecessary and added stress. But I like blogging about the podcasts I'm listening to, so I decided to reformat.

I will be going over individual podcasts, which will be categorized as:

Why I Support... for podcasts I financially support on Patreon or through merchandise purchases

Why I Listen... for podcasts I listen to but do not support

I will tag them with various categories, including by podcast studio if they have one, and keep a running list in the sidebar of the blog.

So that's the plan. Hopefully I can update regularly until they are all up and then it's just a matter of keeping current. The goal, to provide information on podcasts for those seeking something to listen, remains the same. Let's see how this works.

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