Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Review: The Buccaneers (1995)

This showed up as a recommendation in Netflix because of my love for costume dramas. It's a 5 part miniseries (though Netflix compresses two of the episodes so that it airs as 4) with each part being around an hour. I admit, it was a little slow of a start, in part because it's hard to tell the four girls apart at first. But the characters develop nicely and the story is rather engaging.

The Buccaneers is Edith Wharton's last novel and was unfinished until the 90's when it was finished in multiple versions, one of which is for this miniseries. It's about 4 young American women (compressed from 5 in the book) who go to England to seek husbands. It has Mira Sorvino (as a brunette!) and Carla Gugino as two of the young women and the overall cast is rather fantastic.

This has all the period drama I love. The pressure to marry well (whether you need money or title), disapproving family, baby-drama, lovers...all the awesome. Plus pretty costumes and houses. What more could a girl want?

The series is excellent and worth watching - just get past the first 20 minutes or so. It's on Netflix Streaming.

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