Friday, May 25, 2012

I admit, the winds do sweep down the plain...

We left New York Sunday night at 8 p.m. Around 4 a.m. on Tuesday, we pulled in to my parents' house in Shawnee. Loooooooong drive. Indy did great, managed to survive the entire drive despite my refusal to feed him and his tiny little space in the back seat (most of the back seat was luggage). Dalton also kicked butt. That little boy is not even 6 months old and he's traveled via car to New York and back. While teething. Kid's a pro. Well, more likely, he's an Eiland (no matter what his surname) since we are all champ travelers from infancy.

Since being here, I've inventoried my dad's shop, acquired about a dozen mosquito bites, remembered the joys of country living (specifically, naked hot tubbing in the middle of the day), and driven around town to see what has changed. I haven't lived here for 12 years, twice as long as I did live here, but it was nice to poke around the town. While driving downtown (we have a historic downtown that is both beautiful and depressing), the bat signal flashed from a window (seriously!) and I discovered that my town has a comic book shop. I went it, naturally, and they also sell used books. I found a bunch of Nora Roberts, which I will be acquiring, as well as a few gaming books I want to pick up. I will be back!

Mostly I've been decompressing. I'll start tackling my Honors Thesis next week as well as beginning to finalize arrangements for the next stage of moving, which happens in August. I have people to see. But right now, it's nice to relax (though it is weird living in my sister's old bedroom).

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